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  • Writer's pictureClara Mattick

The Environment and Amanda Davis are Not in Opposition!

Gaining traction and popularity on social media for her strong environmental policies, Amanda Davis's chances of winning the 2021 Presidential Election are looking good

By: Hennessey Sahba

Our environment plays a crucial role in the advancement of our economy in the United States. Poor environmental quality has proved to affect both the economic growth and social well being of our country by reducing the quantity and quality of valuable natural resources. Such negative changes have also impacted the health of people due to air quality caused by pollution. Yet there are countless solutions to these growing problems. And it starts with our next president.

A promising figurehead in this year's presidential election is Amanda Davis. Her environmental policies have sparked popularity on social media, giving promise to the American people of a cleaner, more sustainable environment for all within the country. In her recent speech hosted by the Whitman Times, Davis discusses topics such as climate change and wildfire preventions, in order to address the severity of such environmental crises. Davis also believes that climate change is a major problem which this nation is facing; and supports investing into renewable energy solutions.

In relation to this, Davis is also supporting the suggestion of “tripling the wildfire prevention funding in order to afford more first-responders and fix evacuation plans, especially for low income communities.” Such a statement sparked a buzz of enthusiasm and hope for both the safety of our climate, and the American people.

These are just a few of the ongoing policies which this democratic party is promising ahead of the 2021 presidential elections. Such changes will not only help protect this economy, but maintain and restore the already polluted environment slowly surrounding us.

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